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Prayer List/Faith Story

March 27th by Grace

Have you ever wanted to pray for someone or something, but then in prayer you forget to? Or maybe you don't know who or what to pray for. This is a simple list that I like to read, and pray for. If you aren't an "experienced pray-er", just pray, and talk to God like you're talking to a friend. 

  • Troops. 
  • Enemies
  • Politicians (even your least favorite ones)
  • Your parents
  • Your pastor (if you have one, if not, all pastors)
  • Your church family
  • Your family
  • For you to let God open your heart even more to Him
  • For you to let God change you, and make you a better person
  • Doctors, nurses, firefighters, policemen and women, ambulance drivers
  • Everyone in the MSM

I hope I helped you with praying. I want to share a pretty cool story.

Sunday, I was very mad and upset. I was bawling. I just kept thinking, "Why am I even here? There's no point in me being here." (Not suicidal, but wishing I wasn't in this city, and house.) Finally, I took my pride down, and prayed. I just talked to God like He was standing there. Like He was my best friend, and had been for all of my life. He has been my best friend, whether I knew it or not. He's been there through it all. He's the best friend anyone could ever want. 

Monday, after I had finished bawling and crying Sunday, I got on my Facebook, and saw that The Tea Party had posted a link about dumping Starbucks, and it had my tweet on it. I realized then, THIS is why I'm here. To share my faith, and to make a change. I'm a Christian politician (in training) and I'm proud of it. It's hard to keep your faith in a slowly failing country. But I have my Best Friend in my heart, guiding me through this. It reminds me of my absolute favorite verse, Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". 


I used to be a competitive gymnast for 12 years. First thing about gymnasts, they can be just about any boy at a pull up competition. They are tough. They stunt their growth from pounding on their bodies. They have calluses on their hands as big and as many as a man who has worked on the farm all his life. Bottom line, they are tough. Even though I was a gymnast for 12 years, I surprisingly never got severely hurt. I sprained a finger, bruised my shin, bruised a rib, bummed my knees, back, wrists and ankles, and stunted my growth. When you're at your first competition of the year, you get nervous. Everyone gets nervous. Even olympic gymnasts get nervous. You might have a certain skill that you've been working on, and you can do it, but you don't make it consistently. I was so glad that I had my Best Friend in my heart. I probably could not have done those things that I did. I've flipped around bars, beams, flipped over vaults, and done flips as tall as most people are on floor. I have so much respect for gymnasts. 

My point of this story was, that even though I was getting beat up here and there, I never got hurt. I never had to wear a cast, or go to the ER. Same thing with real life, even though I've gotten knocked down and beat up, God never let me get severely hurt. I think that's awesome. If you are reading this and you aren't so sure about the whole "Jesus freak" thing, don't judge it. It's pretty amazing-the changes you see in yourself. And then to get to watch someone come to Christ, is even cooler. If you are reading this and you want Christ in your heart, if you want to be a better person, or maybe you just need a life guide, here's the link on how to become a Christian. 

Did you read it? Are you my new Brother or Sister in Christ? If you are, CONGRATULATIONS! You were made for so much more!

Thank you for reading this. I am not a preacher, or a teacher, just someone who loves what God has done for me. And I am SO thankful.

Follow Me On Twitter! @graceamelia_16

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