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"Palin Liberty Pose" Sweeping the Nation

March 18th, 2013 by Grace

I have so much respect for this woman, Sarah Palin. Even more after her CPAC 2013 speech! She is not afraid of "the big bad media" and "drives them bat-crap crazy!" But something else made her CPAC speech even more memorable than all the others. She took out a Super Big Gulp, took a few swigs, and said "Shoot, it's just pop!" 

By now, you may have seen the "Palin Liberty Pose", or you may not have seen it...but it's coming around like "Tebowing". If you have a picture of you doing the "Palin Liberty Pose", tweet it to me here                                       

This month is also National Women's History month, and this woman DEFINITELY made history. Here's some of the great quotes from her speech.


"More background checks? Dandy Idea Mr. President. Should've started with yours."

"We don't have leadership coming out of Wachington. We have reality television."

"If these experts keep losing elections, keep raking in millions, if they feel that strongly about who should run ion this party they should buck up and run or stay in the truck. The architects can head on back to the Lone Star State and put their name on the ballot." 
[A reference to Karl Rove]


"Mr. President, we admit it. You won. Accept it. Now step away from the teleprompter and do your job."

Message to Washington: "Get over yourself. It's not about you."

"Barack Obama promised the most transparent administration ever. Barack Obama - you lie!"

Don't forget to tweet me a picture of you, or your dog, your kid, or your stuffed animal doing the "Palin Liberty Pose"! 

Follow Me On Twitter! @graceamelia_16

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