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#SarahPalinDoes trends on twitter!

March 19th, 2013 by Grace

First off, I have to say how much respect I have for this woman. She is not afraid of anyone, she has such thick skin, she is a good wife, mother, daughter and sister, she really is a true American. Oh and let me add that she is hilarious. I think if the politics thing wouldn't have worked, she could've gone to comedy. I couldn't stop laughing during her speech (not because she said something stupid, as liberals may think, but because she is a funny woman). She is my role model, and probably always will be. She is a present Reagan. I could go on and on about how much I like her, but that would probably take over an hour. If you haven't seen her CPAC 2013 speech yet, you need to. She speaks the truth in every word she says. I'll post the link at the bottom. 

Yesterday at about 10:30 PM, #SarahPalinDoes was trending-and still is! Here's some of the good ones.

Brittany @Teddybear1016

"#SarahPalinDoes not allow anyone to tell her to sit down and shut up when she has something to say"

John Counts @frankybean

"#SarahPalinDoes eat barbed wire and spits out rust."

Tomboy Chick @TomboyChick

"#SarahPalinDoes have teflon skin and does not care what liberals or the GOP thinks"

Martha @txatinchic

"#SarahPalinDoes believe in clean energy technologies & responsible handling of the environment, while we also drill, baby, drill."

Grace Amelia @graceamelia_16

"#SarahPalinDoes say what everyone wishes they said, and isn't ashamed"

Personally, I love the next one, because it is SO me

Brittany @Teddybear1016

"The typical teenage girl is inspired by boy bands like One Direction. Me? I'm inspired by Sarah Palin. #SarahPalinDoes inspire me."

Then, Bristol Palin saw all of these awesome tweets, and started retweeting them! Even though I never got retweeted..:p...I think that's so cool that she'd take the time to stand up and support her mom, simply by RT-ing people's tweets. 

And THEN, Sarah Palin joined the trend.


Sarah Palin will always be my role model, and will always have my respect. 

Bristol Palin will always be a role model too, and also will have my respect. 

They are both women, who in difficult situations did not abort their beautiful children. Sarah Palin's son, Trig, will be 6 in April, and Tripp, Bristol's son, turned 5 in December.

They are both sisters in Christ, and they both have thick skin. 


Here's the link to her CPAC 2013 speech!

Don't forget to tweet me pictures of you doing the "Palin Liberty Pose" @graceamelia_16

Follow Me On Twitter! @graceamelia_16

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