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My advice to "young'n's"

April 15th, 2013 by Grace

You may be a young'n', and you may not be. Shoot, I'm still a "young'n'" myself, it all depends on what you would consider a young'n'.

But this is what I've figured out over the time of my short life. 

1. People are always going to be rude, no matter what

  • When they are rude, don't say anything. It makes things so much better. Remember when your mom or dad said, "Don't say anything if you can't same something nice"? Well, that rule would apply here. Trust me, in my little, short life, I've figured out it's so much easier just to keep your mouth closed. It might make you feel like you've lost, but you haven't, you come out the better person in the end. Really. Even though that sounds hard, it is. I won't sugar coat it, it really is hard just to sit there and take everything that's being thrown at you like you have a whole body of steel. I have personal experience from this, the bad way and the good way. It is really so much easier in the end to sit there, and don't say anything, let your hater blow up. When you don't say anything, it makes them even more mad.

2. Never sit down and shut up, when "they" tell you to. I've learned this from Mrs. Palin.

  • You have a voice! God gave it to you! He also gave you a brain, ears, eyes, nose, fingers. He wants you to use them! Not everyone else to use them for you. Don't get pushed in to things you don't want to do. It can be something simple like not wanting to say something for a cause you don't believe in, or it can be something big like not going somewhere with people. Make the choice for yourself, nobody else can, and make the right choice.
  • If you believe in something, stand up for it! Ex. I am very pro-Life. I believe in abortion about as much as I believe that pigs will fly. To me, it's wrong. If someone pro-choice asks me about my view on abortion, I wouldn't sugar coat it. I would tell them, if I disappoint them, oh well. We disagree. We can disagree and still be friends, or acquaintances, or whatever. However, this does not mean to go bashing other peoples beliefs. That is something Christians get accused of a lot, saying that other beliefs are wrong. That's a tough subject.
  • If someone asks you your opinion, don't be afraid to disappoint them. Don't be a people-pleaser.

3. Never eat funnel cakes before you go on a ride. Just saying.

Don't be walked on, pushed around, or thrown down. You can be just as strong as anyone of those haters. Most likely, you're stronger. They're picking on someone else. That's pathetic!

I'm going to quote the great lady Margaret Thatcher here:

"There will be a time when loudmouthed, incompetent people seem to be getting the better of you. When that happens, you only have to be patient and wait for them to self-destruct. It never fails."

She's so right. It never fails.

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