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April 11th, 2013 by Grace

Being a homeschooler my whole life, I know the pros and cons about it. It's different for everyone, though. 

Homeschooling is a great thing, but it's not for everyone. Not everyone likes it. Same with public/private schools, they aren't for everyone. That's why some kids are homeschooled.

Now me, I have always hated being homeschooled. A twitter friend (@Audra116_OR) and I were talking about being homeschooled the other day. She loves it, I hate it. Total different views and opinions on it, but that's because homeschooling is just something I never liked. I grew up being homeschooled. I know what it's like to be teased because you "don't get out much"

And since I'm on the subject of being teased, that's so wrong. Some people (like me) don't have a choice other than to be homeschooled. Trust me, I never wanted to be. It's not nice at all, and you shouldn't say that especially before you know what that homeschooler does outside of schoolwork. 

I'm going to use myself as an example again.

I was a gymnast from the time I was 3, and quit when I was 14. From the time I was 8 or 9 years old, I was in the gym five days a week, three hours a day, and four months out of the year, I was off traveling each weekend somewhere to compete in meets. 

Being there 5 days a week, you get to know a lot of people. You make friends. I never usually just sat around at home, unless it was during summer when we had a different schedule. 

Yet, whenever I met new people, and they asked what school I go to, they would tease me because I don't get out. It hurts, really. 

Like I said above, I have no issue with homeschooling your children. It's a great thing, really. But it's not for everyone. 

Here's some things that a lot of people get wrong about homeschoolers:

  1. All of us don't wake up late. Personally, I'm a schedule type of person. I like to wake up early, get dressed, etc. I feel better throughout the day!
  2. We usually don't stay in our pajamas. This is the biggest thing people would say about me, "Oh you're so lucky you can stay in your pajamas all day, and wake up whenever you want..." No, not really. Like I said above, I didn't wake up whenever I wanted, and I also got dressed right after I got out of bed. 
  3. They don't get out. Yeah, some homeschoolers don't get out as much as others. But, in my case, I went to gymnastics, church, and sometimes to a homeschool co-op thing.
  4. Homeschoolers aren't as smart. This is probably the biggest, worst "lie" of homeschooling. When I was in 9th grade, I was doing 12th grade spelling. It's my strongest subject, still. A lot of homeschoolers are about 2 years ahead of a lot of people, because they get 1 on 1 time with their teacher. Not trying to make this sound braggy or anything, but it's true. 
  • I remember sitting in my aunt's house with my cousins, and I was in 4th grade. I asked something about a bushel and a peck. (This cousin is five years older than me, and she was in 9th grade at the time.) She said, "Like the song, a bushel and a peck....?" No, I was talking about the dry measurement. Some kids-even homeschoolers, aren't good at all subjects. That is SO the case with me, because I stink at math. Even the word "math" kind of makes me cringe.

My point in writing this is mostly to show people that not all homeschoolers are "socially awkward, dumb, or lazy". It hurts our feelings when you say things like that. I don't say bad things about people who go to public/private school, so please don't say bad things about people who homeschool.

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