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Gov. Palin to MSNBC, "Stay out of our cribs."

April 9th, 2013 by Grace

You really cannot read these tweets without laughing! This is the first tweet to MSNBC:

"Dear MSNBC, if our kids belong to you, do your kids belong to us too? If so, can we take them hunting after church in our big pickup truck?"

@RedBrightandTru replied back saying,

"@SarahPalinUSA Aaand the Left just squealed at the thought of 1) church, 2) guns & 3) *gasp* gas guzzlin' trucks. You win. :-)"

Sarah Palin tweeted again,

"First it was "You didn't build that." Now it's "You didn't birth that." *Sigh* Govt, stay out of our cribs. #kidsbelongtous"

She is on a roll! Go, Sarah, Go!

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